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Assessment Procedures and Processes

Assessment Procedures and Processes

The following describes minimum expectations for program and co-curricular assessment of student learning.

The creation of a strong assessment plan provides the foundation to understand student learning. The assessment plan template can be found in Planning (Anthology).

Each plan should include the following information (see resources below for additional information):

  • Mission/Vision Statements
  • Goals/Objectives
  • Student Learning Outcomes
  • Curriculum/Experience Map
  • Assessment Methods
  • Timeline
  • Relevant documents (surveys, course syllabi, rubrics, test items, etc.).

As required by SDBOR, each undergraduate-level assessment plan must include 3-5 cross-curricular skills (). At SDSU, one of the cross-curricular skills must be Diversity, Inclusion and Equity.

On an annual basis, programs/co-curricular units should be collecting data to support assessment activity.

  • Well-designed assessment plans include both direct and indirect methods of assessment. 
  • Well-designed assessment plans include a group of faculty/staff assisting in the review and scoring of assessment data. 
  • The data should be interpreted in such a way to make meaningful conclusions and decisions. Descriptive statistics and qualitative summaries are common. 
  • Data interpretation should focus on both areas of strengths and areas that warrant attention. 
  • Aggregate data should be entered into Planning (Anthology). Use of the Outcomes platform in Anthology is optional.
  • Each October, programs and co-curricular units are expected to submit their Annual Assessment Summary Report in Planning.
    • The report will summarize assessment activities that occurred over the course of the previous academic year.
    • The report will describe the extent to which the intended outcomes were achieved. 
    • The report will indicate how results will be used.
  • Programs and co-curricular units should create an action plan as part of the continuous improvement process. 
  • The action plan should consider how to make program/unit improvements that will enhance student learning. 
  • Assessment activities, findings and improvement plans should be communicated to appropriate constituents (leadership, faculty/staff and students).