Spring 2022 Dean's List

BROOKINGS, S.D. - The following students have been named to the dean's list for academic excellence after the spring 2022 semester at South à£à£Ö±²¥Ðã State University. To earn dean's list distinctions in SDSU's colleges, students must have completed a minimum of 12 credits and must have earned at least a 3.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale. Students with an asterisk received a perfect 4.0 GPA.

Overall, more than 3,070 students from 35 states and 22 foreign nations are on the list. Nearly 1,400 students received a 4.0.

Students with F, I, U, RI or RU grades are not eligible regardless of system term GPA attained. Note that this report includes courses that were taken at other South à£à£Ö±²¥Ðã institutions this term. A minimum of 12 credits within the 100-699 course range must be taken. A student who passes pregeneral education courses may still qualify, if the student has 12 other credits that do fall within the 100-699 range.

Displaying 1 - 25 of 3070
List of students on the Dean's List
Name 4.0 Hometown State School
Cade William Reynolds Daphne Alabama SAHSS
Isaac M. Kvokov * Anchorage Alaska SENGR
Anna Ruth Warmuth Ketchikan Alaska SNURS
Kimberly A. Ristinen Flagstaff Arizona SNURS
Aaron Levi Wolfcale-Holsten Gilbert Arizona SAHSS
Abigail Elizabeth Baker Glendale Arizona SNURS
Reid Frederick Anema * Phoenix Arizona SAFES
Kate Lee Koehl Prescott Valley Arizona SAHSS
Jordan Emma Griese Tempe Arizona SEHS
Julia Hendrika Werkhoven Tempe Arizona SAHSS
Hyunjun Cho * Bakersfield California SPAHP
Makenzie Miranda Magdaleno * Bakersfield California SEHS
Kathryn Ann Strock * Brentwood California SNURS
Kayla Raetz * Browns Valley California SNURS
Amanda Gascon Garcia Clovis California SNURS
Hope Marie Hagin * Long Beach California SEHS
Reynalda Martinez * Los Angeles California SNURS
Hope Lynn Juntunen-Horack * Merced California SNURS
Matthew Robert Sorenson Mission Viejo California SENGR
Courtney Justin Grays Oxnard California SNURS
Jocelyn Alexis Carrillo * Palmdale California SEHS
Rozelyn Heaven Carrillo * Palmdale California SEHS
Abria Grace Brooker Penngrove California SNURS
Thomas Lee Nelson Pleasanton California SNURS
Mie Grandjean Due Rancho Palos Verdes California SEHS