Kay Cutler

Kay Cutler

Professor, Research and Professional Development Leader at the Fishback Center for ECE


Academic and Professional Experience

Academic Interests
Academic Interests
  • Child development
  • Visual thinking strategies
  • Design thinking
  • Teacher research/SoTL
  • Inquiry-based learning
  • Early childhood education
Academic Responsibilities
  • ECE 325 - Inclusion and the Diverse Learner
  • ECE 360 - Play and Inquiry
  • ECE 488 - Student Teaching - Community Placements
Committees and Professional Memberships


  • EHS Promotion and Tenure Committee member
  • Children's Museum of South à£à£Ö±²¥Ðã Board Member and Exhibit/Experience Committee chair
  • East Central Chapter of SDAEYC membership co-coordinator
  • Early Learner South à£à£Ö±²¥Ðã - Early Learner Communities Committee co-chair
  • Early Learner South à£à£Ö±²¥Ðã Funding committee member

Professional Memberships:

  • National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
  • North American Reggio Emilia Alliance (NAREA)

Research and Scholar Work

Areas of Research
  1. Visual Thinking Strategies in Early Childhood - Using Visual Thinking Strategies to support the development of critical thinking in young children.
  2. Design-Thinking - Studying how interdisciplinary design thinking develops in team members and how the teams create the 'space in-between' for optimal design team functioning.
à£à£Ö±²¥Ðãs and Honors
  • Scholarship à£à£Ö±²¥Ðã, 2009-2010, College of Education and Human Sciences
  • Outstanding Faculty à£à£Ö±²¥Ðã, 2002, College of Family and Consumer Sciences
  1. McKillip, A., Cutler, K., Letcher, T. and Silvernagel, C. (2021-2023).  Living and Working in Space – Children’s Museum Traveling Exhibit Design. South à£à£Ö±²¥Ðã Space Grant Consortium Proposal. ($52,298.00).
  2. Garcia, A., Busmann, R., Cutler, K. and Daniels, A.M. (2020 -2021). Practiced-Based Coaching for ECE Enrichment Sites. South à£à£Ö±²¥Ðã Department of Social Services. ($102,435).
  1. McKillip, A., Letcher, T., Lucchesi, R., Silvernagel, C., Heller, B., Cutler, K., Hume, C., Vaz., A.*, Smither, M.*, Gordon, E.*, Stang, N.*, Heinz, A.* and Gottsleben, T.*  Konnectors Design Patent - April 2022.
  2. Invention Disclosures: McKillip, A., Letcher T., Silvernagel, C., Lucchesi, R., Cutler, K, Hume, C., Anderson, K., Klarenbeek, T., Phuminpraphat, K., Diekhoff, A., Steers, E., Palmer, T. and Lange, W. Explorer 44. Invention Disclosure, Submitted Oct. 15, 2021.
  3. McKillip, A., Letcher, T., Silvernagel, C., Lucchesi, R., Cutler, K., Hume, C., Elbedawey, M., Sudbeck, A., Hoffman, A. and Kleve, A. Sound Constructor. Invention Disclosure, Submitted Oct. 15, 2021.
  4. McKillip, A., Letcher, T., Lucchesi, R., Silvernagel, C., Heller, B., Cutler K., Hume, C., Blick, K., Resche, E., Stukel, M. and Theisen, S., The Connextion Box Invention Disclosure. Submitted Nov. 13, 2019.
Mailing Address:
Pugsley Cont Ed Center 112
School of Educ, Counseling and Human Dev-Box 2218
University Station
Brookings, SD 57007
Office Location:
Pugsley Center
Room 112