Complete your master’s in one year after your bachelor’s. Here’s how it works.

SDSU undergraduate mathematics and data science majors may take 12 credits of graduate mathematics and statistics courses during their senior year, and count these credits towards both their bachelor’s and master’s degrees. The remaining credits needed to obtain the master’s then fit comfortably into one additional year of study.

Undergraduate students work closely with their academic advisors to ensure that their plan of study includes the best choice of twelve graduate credits for their preferred master’s degree program. Students must also apply for and be admitted to their preferred program.

The Master of Science in data science may be completed in one year of online study beyond the bachelor’s, while the Master of Science in mathematics and the Master of Science in statistics may be completed in one year of on-campus study beyond the bachelor’s.

Graduate assistantships are available on a competitive basis for those in the M.S. in mathematics and the M.S. in statistics. They are rarely available for those in the M.S. in data science. During the 2023/24 academic year, assistantship compensation includes a $18,000 stipend and a tuition and fee waiver.