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David E. Davis


Ness School of Management and Economics
South ֱ State University

Teaching Responsibilities:

  • ECON - 201 Principles of Microeconomics
  • ECON - 431 Managerial Economics
  • ECON - 707 Research Methods in Applied Economics
  • DSCI - 424 Operations Research

Research Interests:

  • Industrial Organization
    • The effect of WIC on the industrial organization of infant formula markets
    • Food Prices and government policy
    • Economic geography of industrial location
  • Empirical Microeconometrics
    • Applications of panel data methods to empirical investigations of industrial organization and market power
    • Cross-section and time-series data methods


Journal Articles

  • "Buyer Alliances As Countervailing Power in WIC Infant-Formula Auctions," Review of Industrial Organization, 2014, vol. 45(2), 121-38.
  • "Bidding for WIC Infant Formula Contracts: Do Non-WIC Customers Subsidize WIC Customers?" American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2012, vol. 94(1) WIC Bidding
  • "Prices, Promotions, and Supermarket Mergers," Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization: 2010, Vol. 8(1). Supermarket
  • "Milk Marketing Orders: Who Wins and Who Loses?" Choices, 2010, vol. 25(2), MMO1
  • , Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 2010, vol. 32(1), MMO
  • "Fat Taxes: Big Money for Small Change," Forum for Health Economics and Policy, 2007, vol. 10(2) Fat Tax
  • "Labor-Force Heterogeneity as a Source of Agglomeration Economies in an Empirical Analysis of County-Level Determinants of Food Plant Entry" Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, vol. 30(3), December 2005, Food Plants
  • "Price Dispersion and Accessibility: A Case Study of Fast Food", Southern Economic Journal, 2005, vol. 71 (4), Dispersion
  • "Wages in Rail Markets: Deregulation, Mergers and Changing Networks Characteristics", Southern Economic Journal, 2003, vol. 69(4), Rail Wages
  • , Journal of Regulatory Economics, 1999, vol. 15(1), Rail Employment

U.S. Government and National Academies Reports

  • Review of WIC Food Packages: Proposed Framework for Revisions: Interim Report (2015), Kathleen M. Rasmussen, Marie E. Latulippe, and Ann L. Yaktine, editors; Committee to Review WIC Food Packages, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine, Food Nutrition Board.
  • Review of WIC Food Packages: An Evaluation of White Potatoes in the Cash Value Voucher: Letter Report (2015), Kathleen M. Rasmussen, Marie E. Latulippe, and Ann L. Yaktine, Editors; Committee to Review WIC Food Packages; Food and Nutrition Board; Institute of Medicine.
  • "Manufacturers' Bids for WIC Infant Formula Rebate Contracts, 2003-2013", EIB-142, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, July 2015.
  • "Recent Trends and Economic Issues in the WIC Infant Formula Rebate Program," U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Economic Research Report Number 22, August 2006, WIC Rebates
  • "Interstate Variation in WIC Food Package Costs: The Role of Food Prices, Caseload Composition, and Cost-Containment Practices" US Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Food Assistance and Nutrition Research Report Number 41, January 2005, WIC Food Package
  • “Changing Consumer Demands Create Opportunities for U.S. Food System.” Food Review, United States Department of Agriculture, v. 25, n. 1, Spring 2002
  • "Farm Business Practices Coordinate Production with Consumer Preferences.” Food Review, United States Department of Agriculture, v. 25, n. 1, Spring 2002.

Works in Progress

  • The Effect of SNAP Benefits for Food Insecurity