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Grant Writing Resources

SDSU Resources

Office TypeDescription
SDSU Office of Nursing Research - The Proposal Preparation ProcessContact the Office of Nursing Research (ONR) for proposal preparation process guidelines provide important information about the proposal preparation process and how the ONR can assist.
SDSU Office of Nursing Research - Intent to Submit a GrantThe intent to submit a grant form should be completed and submitted to the Office of Nursing Research grant program specialist prior development of a grant proposal.
SDSU Routing FormThe SDSU is used to route the proposal prior to submitting it to the sponsoring agency. The routing form and a final version of the proposed budget plus a version of the proposal complete enough to validate the information on the Routing Form must be submitted in advance of the grant application deadline. Approval of the application materials must be given before submitting the application to the funding agency.
Office of Nursing Research Mock Grant ReviewThe mock grant review guidelines are available for faculty members who are submitting outgoing grant proposals. The mock review process simulates the review process utilized by national and federal funding agencies. Reviewers will critique grant proposals based on individual grant application and funding criteria.
SDSU Hilton Briggs LibraryThe SDSU Hilton Briggs Library has resources available on their website for as well as online EndNote training to support grant writing and reference citing.
SDSU Office of Research Assurance and Sponsored ProgramsThe Division of Research and Economic Development provides essential services in research development and external funding, scholarship, creative activities and other projects.

This office provides assistance to professors as they develop competitive grant proposals. The ORASP also assists researchers by maintaining funding resources, various databases, information on sponsoring agencies and pending grant applications.
SDSU Research Compliance and IRB FormsVisit the SDSU research compliance site for information and forms regarding research compliance, IRB approval and Human Subjects Compliance.
SDSU and External IRB GuidanceThe Office of Nursing Research Guide to Navigating IRBs provides useful information about applying for review by the Institutional Review Boards at SDSU, area health system and clinics and tribal entities.
SDSU Technology Transfer OfficeThe SDSU Technology Transfer Office assists with supporting the intellectual property commercialization process.
SDSU Travel Reimbursement RatesThe are available to assist you in developing your grant budgets regarding travel costs.

Agency-Specific Resources

Office TypeDescription
National Institutes of Nursing Research – Grant Development and Management ResourcesThe NINR and NIH provide for all types of funding opportunities currently supported by NINR.
HRSA - Creating Good HRSA Grant Applications Focusing on Underserved PopulationsThe HRSA provides on technical assistance.