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Approved DSST Exams

DSST Exams Approved by SDBORRequired ScoreCourse PrefixCourse NumberCourse TitleCredit Hours
A History of the Vietnam War400HIST459Vietnam War, 1945-19753
Astronomy400PHYS185Intro to Astronomy2-3
Civil War and Reconstruction400HIST455American Civil War and Reconstruction3
Computing and Information Technology400CSC105Introductions to Computers3
Criminal Justice400CJUS201Introduction to Criminal Justice3
Environmental Science400SCIElectiveElective3
Ethics in America400PHIL220Introduction to Ethics3
Foundation of Education400EDFN338Foundation of American Education1-2
Fundamentals of College Algebra400MATH114College Algebra3
Fundamentals of Counseling400PSYCElectiveElective3
General Anthropology400ANTH210Cultural Anthropology3
Health and Human Development400WEL100Wellness for Life1
Human Resource Management400BADM460Human Resource Management3
Introduction to Business400BADMElectiveElective3
Introduction to Geography400GEOG101Introduction to Geography3
Introduction to Geology400GEOL201Physical Geology3
Introduction to Law Enforcement400CJUSElectiveElective3
Introduction to World Religions400REL 250World Religion3
Lifespan Development  Psychology400HDFS210Lifespan Development 3
Management Information Systems400CIS/MIS325Management of Information Systems3
Money and Banking400ECON330Money and Banking3
Personal Finance400BADMElectiveElective3
Principles of Finance400BADM310Business Finance3
Principles of Public Speaking400SPCM101Fundamentals of Speech3
Principles of Statistics400STAT281Introduction to Statistics3
Principles of Supervision400BADMElectivesElectives3
Technical Writing400ENGL379Technical Communications3

DANTES Program

The Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) is a program that gives military personnel the opportunity to demonstrate college-level achievement through a program of exams in undergraduate college courses.