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Policy 2:13 - Emeritus Faculty Designation

Source Contact: Office of Academic Affairs

  1. Purpose

    This policy and its procedures provide details for designating the title of Emeritus to a retired faculty member or academic administrator.

  2. Policy
    1. As set forth in SDBOR Policy 4.4.1, the title of Emeritus is a designation of distinction bestowed upon a retired faculty member who has held academic rank while serving in an academic, administrative or professional position or to a retired academic administrative staff member who has served in a position integral to the academic mission of the University.
    2. Emeritus designation is a lifetime title honoring a retired faculty or academic administrative staff member as having demonstrated a distinguished professional career and as having made significant contributions to the University.
    3. Emeritus designation is reserved as one of distinction and is not given automatically.
    4. All Emeritus designations must be conferred by the University President.
    5. Eligibility for Emeritus status for a retiring Full Professor is dependent on the following criteria:
      1. The individual must be retired or have requested retirement from an academic, administrative, or professional position;
      2. The individual must possess at least ten (10) years of full-time, uninterrupted employment at the University prior to retirement; and
      3. At the time of retirement, the individual must have held an academic rank of Full Professor or higher.
    6. Emeritus status typically will be conferred to those faculty who have earned rank at the Full Professor level, met the minimal requirements, and who have further distinguished themselves in one or more of the following areas:
      1. A substantive record of scholarly achievement commensurate with national and/or international standards within the specific disciplines;
      2. A recognized record of outstanding teaching and educational contributions;
      3. Clear evidence of service to the University beyond normal expectations.
    7. Eligibility for Emeritus status for a retiring Associate Professor is dependent on the following criteria:
      1. The individual must have held an academic rank of Associate Professor;
      2. The individual must be retired or have requested retirement from an academic, administrative, or professional position; and
      3. The individual must possess at least twenty (20) years of full-time, uninterrupted employment at the University prior to retirement.
    8. Emeritus status at the Associate Professor level typically will be conferred on only those persons who have met the minimal requirements set forth in 2.g. and who have further distinguished themselves in one or more of the following areas:
      1. A substantive record of scholarly achievement with national and/or international standards within the specific disciplines;
      2. A recognized record of outstanding teaching and educational contributions;
      3. Clear evidence of service to the University beyond normal expectations.
    9. Eligibility for Emeritus status is rare for an academic administrative staff member and is dependent on the following criteria, as well as meeting the criteria set forth in SDBOR Policy 4.4.1:
      1. The individual must have distinguished him/herself through meritorious service to the academic mission of the institution;
      2. The individual must possess at least ten (10) years of full-time, uninterrupted employment at the University prior to retirement; and
      3. The individual must have an established record of service that is broadly recognized across the University campus.
    10. Faculty and academic administrators entering into retirement as a result of a disability must meet the eligibility requirements standards listed above; however, they may be exempt from the years of service requirement. Exemptions must be approved by the Provost and University President.
    11. Emeritus designation may be awarded posthumously.
    12. Emeritus designations are non-regular appointments without benefits.
    13. Emeritus staff are subject to and shall comply with the policies and procedures of the associated Department, University, SDBOR, and further any local, state, and federal laws and regulations that are applicable to the activities at the University.
    14. All rights and privileges provided to Emeritus staff must be approved by the appropriate Department Head and Dean or Supervisor; however, colleges and departments are encouraged to invite Emeritus faculty to departmental functions and to serve as guest lecturers or consultants, providing such faculty members an opportunity for continued usefulness and visibility at the University as a reflection of their experience and past service.
    15. Emeritus staff will receive the following privileges and courtesies:
      1. Lifetime listing indicating the Emeritus title in the University catalog and applicable directories;
      2. Participation in University public ceremonies;
      3. Invitation to march in University Commencement processions;
      4. Access to the University Library, including all services normally provided to active faculty and issuance of a University ID card indicating they are Emeritus staff allowing library privileges; and
      5. Membership in the Retired Faculty Association, or successor group.
    16. Emeritus staff are eligible to request or apply for the following privileges and courtesies:
      1. Retention of email accounts and InsideState access so as to receive announcements and information regarding the University, which can be requested through the appropriate Department Head or Supervisor;
      2. An annual Gold Key parking permit, which can be applied for by contacting the Parking Services Office; and
      3. In accordance with the Guidelines for Office Space for Emeritus Faculty, as well as the recommendations of the Department Head and the Dean, and with the concurrence of the Provost, use of office and/or lab space, equipment, and other campus facilities to support scholarly work or educational activities.
    17. Emeritus status and/or certain rights and privileges of Emeritus staff may be revoked by the University at any time at the University’s discretion. Without limiting such discretion, revocation may occur when it is determined that the individual’s conduct, before or after receiving the Emeritus designation, conflicts with the intent and spirit of the designation and/or causes harm to the University’s reputation.
      1. The University President is authorized to make the decision to revoke Emeritus status and/or certain rights and privileges of Emeritus staff. The University President shall inform the affected individual and shall notify the SDBOR for informational purposes, as well as the appropriate Department Head, Dean or Supervisor.
      2. This section is intended to confirm the existing “at will” nature of Emeritus status and thus applies to all individuals who currently hold Emeritus status or may be granted such status in the future.
  3. Procedures
    1. Emeritus faculty:
      1. The Department Head will provide a recommendation to the Dean to include the results of a vote on the awarding of Emeritus status taken from all department faculty.
      2. The Dean will submit information in resolution format and a recommendation concerning the faculty member’s eligibility to the Provost.
      3. The Provost will forward the recommendation to the Academic Affairs Subcommittee on Faculty ֱs who will make a recommendation to the Provost.
      4. The Provost will review the recommendation of the Academic Affairs Subcommittee and approves, will forward the recommendation to the University President.
      5. The University President will make the final decision regarding approval, and the Office of the President will formally notify the affected faculty member.
    2. Emeritus academic administrative staff member:
      1. The Supervisor will submit information in resolution format and a recommendation concerning the academic administrative staff member’s eligibility to the University President.
      2. The University President will make the final decision regarding approval, and the Office of the President will formally notify the affected staff member.
    3. These requests may occur throughout the year.
  4. Responsible Administrator

    The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, successor, or designee is responsible for annual and ad hoc review of this policy and its procedures. The University President is responsible for approval of this policy and its procedures.

Approved by President on 09/09/2014. Revised in accordance with SDBOR revisions; Approved on 08/12/2015. Revised in accordance with SDBOR revisions; Approved on 10/10/2018. Revised 08/01/2020 (clerical). Revised 01/26/2024 (clerical).


Associated Forms: Guidelines for Office Space for Emeritus Staff