7Gen Food and Agriculture iLEARN

Native Teachers in  action  during  the 2024  iLEARN Workshop

Toward 7Gen Food and Agriculture: Immersive Learning Experiences And Rural Networking (7Gen FnA iLEARN)

Immersive Learning Experiences And Rural Networking (I-LEARN) is an immersive professional development workshop created  for K-12 science/agriculture educators on Rosebud Reservation. The 7Gen FnA-iLEARN project will provide immersive learning experiences to:

  • K-5 teachers to develop and implement culturally relevant teaching modules on regenerative agriculture.
  • 6-12 educators to blend indigenous science standards and next generation science standards to develop and implement placed-based agriculture science teaching modules.
  • Indigenous educators to implement FANH/STEM career fairs that connect indigenous students with local indigenous FANH professionals and business owners, and indigenous students currently in post-graduate STEM/FANH programs
  • School administration and tribal leadership on the supporting role of regenerative agriculture for economic development and indigenous nation building.

Here are our monthly Newsletters



Project Partners

  • Rosebud Economic Development Corporation (REDCO).
  • Sicangu Community Development Corporation (SCDC).
  • South à£à£Ö±²¥Ðã State University.

SDState Project Team

iLEARN Products (Articles/Teaching Modules)


  1. Chang, J., Ritter, B., Feller, D., & Nepal, M. P. 2024. Soil Health Class-2: Soil pH. ILEARN Teaching Resources. Volume 6 (1): 156—165
  2. Chang, J., Ritter, B., Feller, D., & Nepal, M. P. 2024. Introduction to Soil Health for High School Students.  ILEARN Teaching Resources. Volume 6 (1): 146—155
  3. ++Little Eagle, M., ++Janis, M., & Nepal, M. P. 2023. Lakota Ethnobotany for South à£à£Ö±²¥Ðã Middle School Students. ILEARN Teaching Resources. 5(1): 136—145
  4. ++Janis, M., ++Little Eagle, M., & Nepal, M. P. 2023. Lakota Ethnobotany for South à£à£Ö±²¥Ðã Middle School Students.  ILEARN Teaching Resources. 5(1): 126—135
  5. Roy, S., Abrahamson, M., Nepal, M.P. & Butzin, N.C. 2022. Exploring Bacterial Diversity through Hand-printing & Bacterial Art. ILEARN Teaching Resources 4(2):95-105
  6. +Nelson, L.S., Roy, S., Bohnet, B.J., Chase, T., ++LaBelle, B., Nepal, M.P., & Butzin, N.C. 2022. Teaching Central Dogma of Biology Using Cell Free Environment. ILEARN Teaching Resources. 4 (1):81—94 
  7. +Kovash, I., Hossain, T., Mitchell, M., Roy, S., Nepal, M.P., & Butzin, N.C. 2022. Exploring Bacterial Diversity through Hand-printing & Bacterial Art. ILEARN Teaching Resources. 4 (2): 106—125 
  8. ++Pourier, A., +Pomarleau, W., ++Nelson, D., Cutler, K., & Nepal, M.P. 2022. Teaching Medicinal Plants Used by Native Americans. ILEARN Teaching Resources. 4 (1):69—80 
  9. ++Pourier, A., +Pomarleau, W., ++Nelson, D., Cutler, K., & Nepal, M.P. 2022. Teaching DNA Extractions from Fruits (Strawberry, Banana, Kiwi, and Watermelon). ILEARN Teaching Resources. 4 (1):61—68 
  10. + Scott, C.W. & *Nepal, M.P. 2020. Teaching Natural and Artificial Selection in Production Agriculture. ILEARN Teaching Resources. 3 (1):49—60 
  11. White, P.T., Browning, L.M., Miller, M.L., Vestal, S.S., Lemke, M. and Nepal, M.P. 2020. Perceptions and usages of online teaching resources by South à£à£Ö±²¥Ðã science and agriculture teachers. Proceeding of South à£à£Ö±²¥Ðã Academy of Sciences. 99:101-117.
  12. Clayton, W.S. and Nepal, M.P. 2020. . ILEARN Teaching Resources. 3 (1):49-60 (DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30923.13609) (57 downloads as of February 7, 2021)
  13. Burwitz, S., Roe, K.M., Nepal, M.P., Browning, L.B., Miller, M.L. and White, P.T. 2019.  . ILEARN Teaching Resources. 2(3):43-48 DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.36712.32002 (126 downloads as of February 7, 2021)
  14. Chang, J. and Nepal, M.P. 2019. . ILEARN Teaching Resources. 2 (2):38-42; DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17418.52161 (553 downloads as of February 7, 2021)
  15. Colombe, S., McLaughlin, J., Nepal, M.P., Browning, L.B., Miller, M.L. and White, P.T. 2019. . ILEARN Teaching Resources. 2:34-37 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12804.78727 (309 downloads as of February 7, 2021)
  16. Nepal, M.P. and Andersen, E.J. 2019. . ILEARN Teaching Resources. 2:23-33; DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24504.60168 (101 downloads as of February 7, 2021)
  17. Mueller, J. M., Edwards, L., Nepal, M.P., Browning, L.B., Miller, M.L. and White, P.T. 2019. . ILEARN Teaching Resources. 2:18-22 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.34361.21600 (127 downloads as of February 7, 2021)
  18. Hoover, A., Blaha, B., Englin, J., Nepal, M.P., Browning, L.B., Miller, M.L. and White, P.T. 2019. . 2:10-17 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36281.42082 (203 downloads as of February 7, 2021)
  19. Kruse, T., Forcier, L., Nepal, M.P., Browning, L.B., Miller, M.L. and White, P.T. 2019. . ILEARN Teaching Resources. 1:5-9 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20865.71520 (174 downloads as of February 7, 2021)
  20. Colombe, S., Nepal, M.P., Browning, L.B., Miller, M.L. and White, P.T. 2018. . ILEARN Teaching Resources. 1:1-4 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10696.16647 (284 downloads as of February 7, 2021)
  21. Carter, A., White, P.T., Hasselquist, L. and Nepal, M.P. 2018. . DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16148.76166 (1,533 downloads as of February 7, 2021)
Funding Agency

The iLEARN project is supported by USDA-AFRI Education Literacy Initiative (à£à£Ö±²¥Ðã # 2017-68010-25956)

Media Highlights

Darwin Daugaard and Madhav Nepal