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Conference Papers

  • M. Rauniyar, N. Bhujel, T. M. Hansen, R. Fourney, H.M. Rekabdarkolaee, R. Tonkoski, P. Cicilio, M. Shirazi, and U. Tamrakar, "Diesel Generator Model Development and Validation using Moving Horizon Estimation," IECON 2021 – 47th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2021, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/IECON48115.2021.9589981.
  • S. Subedi, N. Guruwacharya, R. Fourney, H. M. Rekabdarkolaee, R. Tonkoski, T. M. Hansen,U. Tamrakar, and P. Cicilio, “Computationally efficient partitioned modeling of inverter dynamics with grid support functions,” in IECON 2021 – 47th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, pp. 1–6, 2021
  • C. Shah,  P. Cicilio, M. Shirazi, D. Light, D. Broderson, R. Wies, M. Rauniyar, R. Tonkoski,  and T. M. Hansen, "Model Development of Diesel Generator using Volts/Hertz Limiter and Comparing Governor Models for Remote Islanded Microgrids," IECON 2021 – 47th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2021, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/IECON48115.2021.9589688.
  • T. Hussain, S. Suryanarayanan, T. M. Hansen, and SM. Shafiul Alam, “A computationally improved heuristic algorithm for transmission switching using line flow thresholds for load shed reduction,” accepted In: Proc. 2021 IEEE PES PowerTech, Madrid.
  • N. Bhujel, A. Rai, U. Tamrakar, T. M. Hansen, and R. Tonkoski, “A Model Predictive Approach for Voltage Support in Microgrids using Energy Storage Systems,” IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 2021
  • N. Bhujel, U. Tamrakar, T. M. Hansen, R. H. Byrne, and R. Tonkoski, “Optimization-Based Estimation of Microgrid Equivalent Parameters for Voltage and Frequency Dynamics,” in IEEE Powertech, 2021
  • N. Guruwacharya, N. Bhujel, T. M. Hansen, S. Suryanarayanan, R. Tonkoski, U. Tamrakar, and F. Wilches-Bernal, “Modeling inverters with grid support functions for power system dynamics studies,” in 2021 IEEE Power Energy Society Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT), pp. 1–5, 2021
  • S. Subedi, M. Rauniyar, S. Ishaq, T. M. Hansen, R. Tonkoski, M. Shirazi, R. Wies, and P. Cicilio, “Review of methods to accelerate electromagnetic transient simulation of power systems,”IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 89 714–89 731, 2021.
  • C. Shah, J. D. Vasquez-Plaza, D. D. Campo-Ossa, J. F. Patarroyo-Montenegro, N. Guruwacharya, N. Bhujel, R. D. Trevizan, F. A. Rengifo, M. Shirazi, R. Tonkoski, R. Wies, T. M. Hansen, and P. Cicilio, “Review of dynamic and transient modeling of power electronic converters for converter dominated power systems,”IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 82 094–82 117, 2021.
  • N. Guruwacharya, N. Bhujel, U. Tamrakar, M. Rauniyar, S. Subedi, S. E. Berg, T. M. Hansen, and R. Tonkoski, “Data-driven power electronic converter modeling for low inertia power system dynamic studies,” in 2020 IEEE Power Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), pp. 1–5, 2020
  • U. Tamrakar, N. Guruwacharya, N. Bhujel, F. Wilches-Bernal, T. M. Hansen, and R. Tonkoski, “Inertia estimation in power systems using energy storage and system identification techniques,” in 2020 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM), pp. 577–582, 2020
  • R. Mahat, K. Duwadi, F. B. D. Reis, R. Fourney, R. Tonkoski, and T. M. Hansen, “Techno-Economic Analysis of PV Inverter Controllers for Preventing Overvoltage in LV Grids,” in IEEE Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM) 2020, Sorrento, Italy, 6 pages, accepted 2020
  • N. Bhujel, U. Tamrakar, T. M. Hansen, R. H. Byrne, and R. Tonkoski, “Model Predictive Integrated Voltage and Frequency Support in Microgrids,” in North American Power Symposium (NAPS) 2020, Arizona, USA, 6 pages, 2020
  • M. Rauniyar, S. Berg, S. Subedi, T. M. Hansen, R. Fourney, R. Tonkoski, and U. Tamrakar, “Evaluation of probing signals for implementing moving horizon inertia estimation in microgrids,” in 2020 52nd North American Power Symposium (NAPS), 2021, pp. 1–6
  • A. Poudyal, U. Tamrakar, R. D. Trevizan, R. Fourney, R. Tonkoski, and T. M. Hansen, “Convolutional Neural Network-based Inertia Estimation using Local Frequency Measurements,” in North American Power Symposium (NAPS) 2020, Arizona, USA, 2020
  • P. Adhikari, S. Prajapati, I. Tamrakar, U. Tamrakar, and R. Tonkoski, “Parallel Operation of Virtual Synchronous Machines with Frequency Droop Control,” in 2017 IEEE International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS), pp. 116–120, Dec. 2018
  • A. Luna, , U. Tamrakar, T. M. Hansen, and R. Tonkoski, “Frequency Response in Grids with High Penetration of Renewable Energy Source,” in 2018 North American Power Symposium, pp. 1–5, Sept. 2018
  • A. Bajracharya, M. R. A. Khan, S. Michael, and R. Tonkoski, “Forecasting Data Center Load Using Hidden Markov Model,” in 2018 North American Power Symposium, pp. 1–5, Sept. 2018
  • M. H. Ullah, S. Chalise, U. Tamrakar, and R. Tonkoski, “Impact of battery operating conditions on remote microgrid’s energy management system,” in 2018 IEEE Power Energy Society General Meeting, pp. 1–5, 2018
  • B. Bhattarai, S. Paudyal, K. Myers, R. Turk, and R. Tonkoski, “Model Predictive Optimal Dispatch of Behind-the-meter Energy Storage Considering Onsite Generation Uncertainties,” in 2018 IEEE Power Energy Society General Meeting, pp. 1–5, 2018
  • S. Paudyal, B. Bhattarai, R. Tonkoski, S. Dahal, and O. Ceylan, “Comparative Study of Active Power Curtailment Methods on PVs for Preventing Overvoltage on Distribution Feeders,” in 2018 IEEE Power Energy Society General Meeting, pp. 1–5, 2018
  • P. Tandukar, L. Bajracharya, T. M. Hansen, R. Fourney, U. Tamrakar, and R. Tonkoski, “Real-Time Operation of a Data Center as Virtual Power Plant Considering Battery Lifetime,” in SPEEDAM 2018, pp. 1–5, 2018
  • U. Tamrakar, A. Luna, F. B. dos Reis, D. Shrestha, R. Fourney, and R. Tonkoski, “Virtual inertia emulation using commercial off-the-shelf inverters,” in 2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), pp. 1–5, 2018
  • M. Maharjan, P. Tandukar, A. Bajracharya, F. B. dos Reis, U. Tamrakar, D. Shrestha, F. S. dos Reis, and R. Tonkoski, “SEPIC Converter with Wide Bandgap Semiconductor for PV Battery Charger,” in 2017 Brazilian Power Electronics Conference (COBEP), pp. 1–5, Nov. 2017
  • U. Tamrakar, N. Malla, D. Shrestha, Z. Ni, and R. Tonkoski, “Design of Online Supplementary Adaptive Dynamic Programming for Current Control in Power Electronic Systems,” in 2017 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), pp. 3038–3043, Oct. 2017
  • M. Maharjan, U. Tamrakar, S. Bajagain, T. M. Hansen, and R. Tonkoski, “A Steady-State Equivalent Model of Solid State Transformers for Voltage Regulation Studies,” in 2017 IEEE Power Energy Society General Meeting, pp. 1–5, July 2017
  • P. Tandukar, A. Shakya, T. M. Hansen, R. Fourney, U. Tamrakar, and R. Tonkoski, “Genitor based energy management system for remote microgrids considering battery lifetime,” in Electrical Energy Storage Applications and Technologies (EESAT) Conference, pp. 1–5, 2017


  • Y. Zheng, B. Celik, S. Suryanarayanan, A. A. Maciejewski, H. J. Siegel, and T. M. Hansen, IET Smart Grid, May 2021, [Online Open Access] (last accessed: 5/21/2021)
  • F. B. D. Reis, T. M. Hansen, and R. Tonkoski, “Synthetic Residential Load Models for Smart City Energy Management Simulations,” The Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) Smart Grid, vol. 3, pp. 342–354, May 2020
  • B. R. Shrestha, U. Tamrakar, T. M. Hansen, B. P. Bhattarai, S. James, and R. Tonkoski, “Efficiency and reliability analyses of ac and 380v dc distribution in data centers,” IEEE Access, 2018, accepted for publication
  • N. Malla, U. Tamrakar, D. Shrestha, Z. Ni, and R. Tonkoski, “Online Learning Control for Harmonics Reduction Based on Current Controlled Voltage Source Power Inverters,” IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, vol. 4, pp. 447–457, July 2017
  • U. Tamrakar, D. Shrestha, M. Maharjan, B. P. Bhattarai, T. M. Hansen, and R. Tonkoski, “Virtual Inertia: Current Trends and Future Directions,” Applied Sciences, vol. 7, p. 654, June 2017
  • M. A. Torres, R. Tonkoski, and C. R. Baier, “Operating Region of a Genset-Based Virtual Synchronous Generator,” IEEE Access 2017, vol. 4, pp. 1–11, accepted 2016


  • T. Hussain, S. Suryanarayanan, and SM. S. Alam, “Hybridized transmission switching for contingency management in electric power systems,” International patent application: PCT/US21/26540, patent pending, filed Apr. 9, 2021.

Opinions and editorials

  • (02/17/2021) NewsWire, last accessed on 04/14/2021. also archived as (02/18/2021) Brookings Register,  last accessed on 04/14/2021.