Curtis Braun
SDSU Extension Food Safety Field Specialist
SDSU Extension
Department of Dairy and Food Science
Marlee Braun
Senior Microbiologist, Bacteriology
Animal Disease Research and Diagnostic Laboratory
Department of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
Jameson Brennan
Assistant Professor/Research and Extension Specialist-Livestock Grazing
Department of Animal Science
SDSU West River Research and Extension
SDSU Extension
Hande Briddick
School of Education, Counseling and Human Development
Counseling and Human Resource Development
William Briddick
Associate Professor
School of Education, Counseling and Human Development
Counseling and Human Resource Development
Amanda Brock
Senior Microbiologist, Histopathology
Animal Disease Research and Diagnostic Laboratory
Department of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
Angela Brown
Clinical Assistant Professor of Athletic Training
School of Health and Human Sciences
College of Education and Human Sciences
Leacey Brown
SDSU Extension Gerontology Field Specialist
SDSU Extension
School of Education, Counseling and Human Development
College of Education and Human Sciences
Lew Brown
Dean and Professor Emeritus of the Jerome J. Lohr College of Engineering
Jerome J. Lohr College of Engineering
Robin Brown
Associate Professor (Brookings)
College of Nursing
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Department of Graduate Nursing