International Student and Scholars Services


Whether you are an international student, exchange student, research scholar/professor or intern, we are here to help!

Our purpose is not only ensuring you attain your educational goals, but also helping you understand the culture as you make the transition to the U.S. One of our main functions is to provide you with advising on visa regulations. We also support many of the international programs on campus, both for international students and the campus community.

Information and Services
Accepted Students
Two students walking the Main Street in the Student Union
Current Students
International NIght music peformer
Faculty and Scholars
Three individuals working in a chemistry lab
Two students smiling and looking at the laptops
Icon of two chat bubbles
International Students Advising Options

ISSS is available for in-person appointments, virtual 1:1 appointments and our virtual open advising sessions. Whether you have questions about how to maintain your immigration status or if you’re looking for helpful resources on campus and in the Brookings community, our International Student Advisors are happy to help!

Questions? Come Visit the Office!
International Affairs
Physical Address
1300 North Campus Dr.
Brookings, SD 57007
Mailing Address
Hilton M. Briggs Library 119, Box 2115
Brookings, SD 57007
Mon - Fri: 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Office closed from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
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