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CPSS Report - Fall 2020

Center for Power Systems Studies – Fall Meeting


Oct. 6, 2020

To:       Members of Center for Power Systems Studies
            Associate Members of Power Systems Studies
            Guests in attendance

The Center for Power Systems Studies is starting its 53rd year of operation. Below is a summary of some of the past years’ power-related activities and events, since the spring meeting.

Faculty, Student Projects/Research Update

  • Worked with CPSS ֱs Committee on selection of the 2020 WEK Excellence in Power ֱee.
  • Worked with conference committee planning for 2020 CPSS SoDaRP Conference.
  • EE Scholarship Program Committee Chair.
  • EE Program Bennett Fellowship Chair.
  • Served as EE Internship coordinator for seven EE students.
  • Assumed responsibility as Advisor the College of Engineering Tau Beta Pi Honors group.
  • Outstanding Achievement in Advising, EECS Department, SDSU, AY20, for his work in advising graduate teaching assistants.
  • Supervised two senior design teams (one sponsored by MidAmerican Energy and the other by Raven).
  • Served as technical advisor to several multidisciplinary senior design groups including both ME and EE students.
  • Board Member for the South ֱ Electrical Council.

Research Grants and Contracts

  • Principal Investigator – Reinaldo Tonkoski, Co-Principal Investigator – Tim Hansen: “Development and Validation of Models to Assess Dynamic Response of Converter-Dominated Power Systems across Multiple Spatiotemporal Scales,” from United States Department of Energy Office of Science, Grant No. DE-SC0020281, Sept. 15, 2019 to Sept. 14, 2021, ֱ: $592,899, SDSU sub-contract of a $3,000,000 award with University of Alaska Fairbanks (lead) and University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez. Year two funds were approved by DOE Program Manager Tim Fitzsimmons.
  • Visiting Faculty at Sandia National Labs since January
  • ֱs and Honors
    • 2020 Excellence in Research ֱ 2020, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, South ֱ State University.
    • 2020 IEEE PES Working Group Recognition ֱ – Technical Report: PES-TR66 Microgrid Stability Definitions, Analysis and Modeling (Published April 2018) Role: Working Group member.
  • Additional Ongoing Research Projects:.
    • Ni, Z. (PI), Tonkoski, R. (Co-PI), "Collaborative Research: CyberTraining: Implementation: Small: Multi-disciplinary Training of Learning, Optimization and Communications for Next Generation Power Engineers," Sponsored by NSF, Federal, $ 299,876. (Sept. 15, 2019 - Aug. 31, 2023).
  • Graduated students
    • Ujjwol Tamrakar (January 2016 – March 2020) - Dissertation Topic:  Virtual Inertia in Microgrids - Currently Postdoc at Sandia National Laboratories.
  • Current Students:
      • 3 PhD students
        • Coordination of Virtual Inertia in Microgrids.
        • Developing dynamic models for converter dominated power systems.
        • Advanced Control Systems for Sprayers - Raven.
  • Service
    • EE Graduate Program Coordinator
    • EE Assistant/Associate Professor Search Committee Chair 
    • Graduate School Strategic Enrollment Management Committee
    • Faculty Senate
    • Dean Advisory Council
    • F. O. Butler Foundation Board of Trustees
    • IEEE Siouxland Section Vice-Chair
    • Associate Editor for IEEE Access
    • Editor IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy and
    • Editor IEEE Systems Journal
    • IEEE PES Scholarship Plus Initiative Committee member
    • Supervising two senior design teams related to power systems (one sponsored by MRES)
  • Graduated students
    • Ph.D.: Fernando Bereta dos Reis, “Data-Driven Synthetic Load Modeling for Smart City Energy Management Studies,” First position: Engineer-III, Electricity Infrastructure, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)
    • M.S.: Abodh Poudyal, “Distributed Machine Learning Approach to Fast Frequency Response-based Inertia Estimation in Low Inertia Grids,” First position: Ph.D. Candidate, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Washington State University.
  • Current students
  • Supervising three Ph.D. EE graduate students.
    • Markov chain approach to modeling and simulation of grid integration of power electronic converters.
    • State and parameter estimation of low-inertia power systems.
    • Data-driven modeling of grid integration of power electronic converters.
  • Supervising two EE undergraduate student researchers
    • Convolutional neural networks applied to building energy management (EECS Bennett Scholarship; Honor’s project).
    • Stochastic control of home energy management systems with rooftop solar (Honor’s project; Jump into STEM competition).
  • Papers and Research Outcomes.
  • Three published journal articles in power systems journals.
  • Three published and three accepted conference papers in power systems/electronics conferences.
  • Three invited lectures on electric power system markets, renewable powered data centers and high-performance computing.
  • ֱs and Honors.
  • Outstanding Achievement in Advising, EECS Department, SDSU, AY20, for his work in advising graduate research assistants.
  • Inaugural 2020 Graduate of the Last Decade, Milwaukee School of Engineering, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, received for accomplishments achieved of significant importance at an early stage of his career.
  • Jerome J. Lohr College of Engineering Grantswinship ֱ 2020.
  • Service
  • Elevated to IEEE Senior Member.
  • IEEE PES Power Engineering Education Committee (PEEC) ֱs Subcommittee Chair.
  • IEEE Siouxland Section Chair.
  • Associate Editor, Elsevier Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems.
  • Co-Organizer of Panel Session, “Definition, Planning, and Operations of Resilient Electric Grids,” 2020 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference (ISGT 2020), Washington, D.C., Feb. 2020.
  • Committee Member, IEEE-HKN Outstanding Teaching ֱ Selection Committee, 2020.
  • Referee for multiple journals within IEEE and IET.
  • National Science Foundation panelist (2 panels), 2020.
  • IEEE-HKN Gamma Rho (SDSU) Chapter Faculty Advisor; won outstanding chapter award.
  • Supervised two senior design teams related to power systems (one sponsored by Burns and McDonnell).
  • Suryanarayanan (provided only for period starting June 2020).

    Research Grants and Contracts

  • Suryanarayanan, S. (PI), "Collaborative Research: A Scalable Sustainability-Based Approach to a Novel Demand Response Paradigm in the Emerging Smart Grid," Sponsored by NSF, Federal, $29685. (June 22, 2020—July 31, 2021).
  • Suryanarayanan, S. (PI), " High Performance Computing-based Dynamically Adaptive Protection Schemes for Electric Grid Research," Sponsored by Idaho National Lab, Federal, $60577. (June 22, 2020—September 30, 2020).
  • Suryanarayanan, S. (PI), "2018 Hurricane RAPID: Subcontract from CSU," Sponsored by Colorado State University as sub-award under NSF award, $115347. (September 8, 2020—May 31, 2021).
  • Current students
  • Supervising 1 PhD EE graduate student.
    • Re-envisioning transmission switching for increased electric grid resilience.
  • Papers and Research Outcomes.
  • Four published or accepted journal articles in power systems journals.
  • One accepted conference papers in power systems conference.
  • Two invited lectures on electric power system markets and renewable energy technologies.
  • Service.
  • Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems.
  • Search Committee Member, Vice Provost for Graduate Education and Extended Studies, South ֱ State University.

Power-Faculty Course Update

Fall 2020

  • EE 218/L (three labs, four cr) Linear Circuits II, 18 students
  • EE316 (three cr) Signals and Systems I, 27 students
  • EE 420/L (one lab, four cr) Electronics III and Lab, six students

Spring 2021

  • EE 216/L (three labs, four cr) Linear Circuits I
  • EE 222/L (three labs, four cr) Energy Conversion
  • EE 315 (three cr) Linear Controls

Fall 2020

  • EE790 (one cr) Power and Energy Seminar

Spring 2020

  • EE790 (one cr) Power and Energy Seminar

Fall 2020:

  • EE/CSC-492/592 (three cr) Fundamentals of High-Performance Computing

Spring 2020:

  • EE245 (3+1 cr) Digital Systems


Fall 2020:

  • EE 422 (two cr) Engineering Economics and Project Management

Student Activities

            Scholarship Activity – Power Company Sponsored Scholarships

The department awarded approximately $92K in scholarships.  The COE awarded EE students approximately $24K, for a total of $116k to EE students.  Approximately 46% of these funds are a direct result of the power community.

Scholarships by unitAmount awardedAmount awardedPercentage
Total COE Open158,850.00  
Total ABE22,650.00  
Total CEE68,050.00  
Total COM11,000.00  
Total Math22,825.00  
Total ME80,800.00  
Total EE92,350.00  
Grand Total456,525.00  
COETo EE23,650.0015%
 Total EE116,000.0025%
COE Power 6,250.0026%
EE Power 46,950.0051%
Total Power 




Review of CPSS Impact

  • CPSS and IEEE-PES Scholarships – immediate attraction and attention getter.
  • Internship opportunities -- have a positive impact – absolutely important to the sustainability of the SDSU Power Program.
  • Field Trips and the Power Technology Tour – great exposure to a variety of power-related industries.
  • CPSS-Sponsored Design Projects – hands on challenging designs.
  • Power Systems Analysis and Lab (EE434/434L)  -- First course in power.
  • Advanced Power Systems (EE 492) – Second course in power.
  • Photovoltaics Applications and Lab (EE436/436L).
  • Fall ֱs Banquet – A glimpse into the future for our students and shows importance of remaining connected to academia.
  • Biennial SoDaRP Conference – An excellent professional setting that introduces power students to the big picture.

Respectfully submitted,

Coordinator, Center for Power Systems Studies
Steven M. Hietpas, Ph.D., P.E.

Using funds from the joint DOE project with PI Tonkoski and Co-PI Hansen, multiple courses were bought out to conduct the research project.