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Current Funded Grants

This list includes grants with faculty serving as key personnel in research grants and contracts, program grants and student assistance grants.

Federal Grants

Primary (awarded to SDSU College of Nursing)

Culturally Responsive Palliative Care Messaging for American Indians: An Efficacy Trial. Funding source: National Institutes of Health (R21NR020383). Amount awarded: $368,794 over two years (2022-2024). Isaacson, Mary, principal investigator.

Impacting Models of Practice and Clinical Training for Registered Nurses and Students (IMPACT-RNS). Funding source: Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Nurse, Education, Practice, Quality and Retention-Registered Nurses in Primary Care (UK1HP31729). Amount awarded: $2,751,222 over four years (2018-2022). Mennenga, Heidi, project director.

Nurse Faculty Loan Program. Funding source: Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Nurse Faculty Loan Program (E01HP28782). Amount awarded: $102,107 (continuation from 2021-2022). Mennenga, Heidi, project director.

SDS-Registered Nurses in Rural and Medically Underserved Communities. Funding source: Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Scholarships for Disadvantage Students (T08HP39273). Amount awarded: $3,250,000 over five years (2020-2025). Emery, Karin, project director.

Oyate Owanwaka: USDA-NIFA New Beginnings for Tribal Students. Funding source: United States Department of Agriculture (20217041135208). Amount awarded $500,000 ($250,000 match from SDSU) over three years (2021-2024). Emery, Karin, project director.

Wicozani: A Place of Health and Balance. Funding source: Indian Health Service, Indians into Nursing (NU11IHS0065). Amount awarded: $1,012,023 over three years (2020-2023) with continued funding for the next year (2024). Stenvig, Thomas, project director.

Subaward or Collaboration (à£à£Ö±²¥Ðãed to another college at SDSU or external entity)

Advancing Palliative Care in Northern Plains American Indians. Funding source: National Institutes of Health subaward from Massachusetts General Hospital. Isaacson, Mary, co-investigator.

Advancing Palliative Care in Northern Plains American Indians-COVID funding. Funding source: National Institutes of Health subaward from Massachusetts General Hospital. Isaacson, Mary, co-investigator.

Center for American Indian and Alaska Native Diabetes Training. Funding Source: National Institutes of Health subaward from University of Colorado Denver-Anschutz Medical Campus. Varilek, Brandon, primary investigator.

PREPARE-RNs: Partnering to Address the Critical Nursing Shortage in South à£à£Ö±²¥Ðã. Funding source: Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Nurse, Education, Practice, Quality and Retention from Avera Health. Garren-Grubbs, Theresa, education project director.

Region 8 Clinical Faculty and Preceptors Academies Program. Funding source: Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Nurse, Education, Practice, Quality and Retention from Montana State University. Foerster, Becka and Lamb, LeAnn, partnership liaisons.

South à£à£Ö±²¥Ðã Early Childhood Mental Health Collaborative. Funding source: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) awarded to SDSU Counseling and Human Development department, College of Education and Human Sciences. Elverson, Cynthia, evaluator.

Upper Midwest Palliative Care Education Network. Funding source: HRSA Rural Health Network Development subaward from Avera Sacred Heart Hospital. Mollman, Sarah, co-project director.

Significant Foundation Grants

Adapting an Early Palliative Care Intervention for American Indian and Rural Patients with Advanced Cancer. Funding source: Rita and Alex Hillman Foundation. Amount awarded: $100,000 over two years (2022-2023). Mollman, Sarah, primary investigator.

Stronger Together: The Power of Intentional Mentors & Academic Tiospaye (Extended Family). Funding source: John T. Vucurevich Foundation. Amount awarded: $528,000 over three years (2021-2024). Ruff, Tiara, project director.